Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Emotion Detection
Total Paper Mentions:- 248
First ACL Paper:- 1990
Latest ACL Paper:- 2020
Saif Mohammad
Associated works : 9
Shoushan Li
Associated works : 7
Ying Chen
Associated works : 6
Chu-Ren Huang
Associated works : 6
Guodong Zhou
Associated works : 5
Alexandra Balahur
Associated works : 5
Patricio Martínez-Barco
Associated works : 5
Laurence Devillers
Associated works : 5
Lyle Ungar
Associated works : 4
Zhongqing Wang
Associated works : 4
Mona Diab
Associated works : 4
Sophia Lee
Associated works : 4
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Associated works : 4
Roman Klinger
Associated works : 4
Pascale Fung
Associated works : 4
Ester Boldrini
Associated works : 4
Soujanya Poria
Associated works : 4
Yang Yang
Associated works : 3
Lun-Wei Ku
Associated works : 3
Sophia Yat Mei Lee
Associated works : 3
Deyu Zhou
Associated works : 3
Sven Buechel
Associated works : 3
Jasy Suet Yan Liew
Associated works : 3
Ekaterina Shutova
Associated works : 3
Erik Cambria
Associated works : 3
Asli Celikyilmaz
Associated works : 3
Jackson Liscombe
Associated works : 3
Shabnam Tafreshi
Associated works : 3
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Associated works : 3
Dipankar Das
Associated works : 3
Cornelia Caragea
Associated works : 3
Devamanyu Hazarika
Associated works : 3
Lea Canales
Associated works : 3
Aijun An
Associated works : 3
Yulan He
Associated works : 3
Jeanne Villaneau
Associated works : 2
Angelo Basile
Associated works : 2
Kedhar Nath Narahari
Associated works : 2
Felipe Bravo-Marquez
Associated works : 2
L. Alfonso Ureña-López
Associated works : 2
Alexandros Potamianos
Associated works : 2
Ameeta Agrawal
Associated works : 2
Yun-Nung Chen
Associated works : 2
Howard R. Turtle
Associated works : 2
Gilbert Badaro
Associated works : 2
Alexander Schmitt
Associated works : 2
Svitlana Volkova
Associated works : 2
Marilyn Walker
Associated works : 2
Yuji Matsumoto
Associated works : 2
Jesús M. Hermida
Associated works : 2
Sophia Y. M. Lee
Associated works : 2
Gary Geunbae Lee
Associated works : 2
Dilek Hakkani-Tür
Associated works : 2
Udo Hahn
Associated works : 2
Chunyan Miao
Associated works : 2
Wen-Lian Hsu
Associated works : 2
Ramona Comanescu
Associated works : 2
Andrés Montoyo
Associated works : 2
Orphée De Clercq
Associated works : 2
Peixiang Zhong
Associated works : 2
Md Shad Akhtar
Associated works : 2
Ramit Sawhney
Associated works : 2
Sangdo Han
Associated works : 2
Rico Andrich
Associated works : 2
Massimo Poesio
Associated works : 2
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
Associated works : 2
Sebastian Padó
Associated works : 2
Chao-Chun Hsu
Associated works : 2
Xiaodan Zhu
Associated works : 2
Roger Zimmermann
Associated works : 2
Oana Radu
Associated works : 2
Pranav Anand
Associated works : 2
Hassan Alhuzali
Associated works : 2
Prachi Manchanda
Associated works : 2
Vachagan Gratian
Associated works : 2
William Yang Wang
Associated works : 2
Preslav Nakov
Associated works : 2
Véronique Hoste
Associated works : 2
Rada Mihalcea
Associated works : 2
Dietmar Rösner
Associated works : 2
Peter Turney
Associated works : 2
Rafael A. Calvo
Associated works : 2
Rafael Friesen
Associated works : 2
Jiaqi Wu
Associated works : 2
Puneet Agrawal
Associated works : 2
Duc-Anh Phan
Associated works : 2
Hazem Hajj
Associated works : 2
Asif Ekbal
Associated works : 2
Wassim El-Hajj
Associated works : 2
Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco
Associated works : 2
Min Zhang
Associated works : 2
Hamed Khanpour
Associated works : 2
Raj Singh
Associated works : 2
Tobias Heinroth
Associated works : 2
João Sedoc
Associated works : 2
Chien Chin Chen
Associated works : 2
Yung-Chun Chang
Associated works : 2
Meghana Joshi
Associated works : 2
Ankush Chatterjee
Associated works : 2
Jennifer Williams
Associated works : 2
Masking Actor Information Leads to Fairer Political Claims Detection
Erenay Dayanik |
Sebastian Padó |
Emotion Arcs of Student Narratives
Swapna Somasundaran |
Xianyang Chen |
Michael Flor |
Transition-based Directed Graph Construction for Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction
Chuang Fan |
Chaofa Yuan |
Jiachen Du |
Lin Gui |
Min Yang |
Ruifeng Xu |
GoEmotions: A Dataset of Fine-Grained Emotions
Dorottya Demszky |
Dana Movshovitz-Attias |
Jeongwoo Ko |
Alan Cowen |
Gaurav Nemade |
Sujith Ravi |
A Deep Learning System for Sentiment Analysis of Service Calls
Yanan Jia |
A Transformer-based joint-encoding for Emotion Recognition and Sentiment Analysis
Jean-Benoit Delbrouck |
Noé Tits |
Mathilde Brousmiche |
Stéphane Dupont |
Dialogue-Based Relation Extraction
Dian Yu |
Kai Sun |
Claire Cardie |
Dong Yu |
Learning and Evaluating Emotion Lexicons for 91 Languages
Sven Buechel |
Susanna Rücker |
Udo Hahn |
Multilogue-Net: A Context-Aware RNN for Multi-modal Emotion Detection and Sentiment Analysis in Conversation
Aman Shenoy |
Ashish Sardana |
SentiBERT: A Transferable Transformer-Based Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics
Da Yin |
Tao Meng |
Kai-Wei Chang |
Joint Modelling of Emotion and Abusive Language Detection
Santhosh Rajamanickam |
Pushkar Mishra |
Helen Yannakoudakis |
Ekaterina Shutova |
Aspect Sentiment Classification with Document-level Sentiment Preference Modeling
Xiao Chen |
Changlong Sun |
Jingjing Wang |
Shoushan Li |
Luo Si |
Min Zhang |
Guodong Zhou |
A Comprehensive Analysis of Preprocessing for Word Representation Learning in Affective Tasks
Nastaran Babanejad |
Ameeta Agrawal |
Aijun An |
Manos Papagelis |
Systematic Evaluation of a Framework for Unsupervised Emotion Recognition for Narrative Text
Samira Zad |
Mark Finlayson |
Detecting Perceived Emotions in Hurricane Disasters
Shrey Desai |
Cornelia Caragea |
Junyi Jessy Li |
Sentim at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Convolutional Neural Networks For Sentiment in Conversations
Jacob Anderson |
UAIC at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Extracting Much from Little
Cristian Simionescu |
Ingrid Stoleru |
Diana Lucaci |
Gheorghe Balan |
Iulian Bute |
Adrian Iftene |
SCIA at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Sentiment Analysis in Textual Conversations Using Deep Learning
Zinedine Rebiai |
Simon Andersen |
Antoine Debrenne |
Victor Lafargue |
Crowdsourcing and Validating Event-focused Emotion Corpora for German and English
Enrica Troiano |
Sebastian Padó |
Roman Klinger |
evision PDF of 'CoAStaL at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Affect Classification in Dialogue using Attentive BiLSTMs
Ana Valeria González |
Victor Petrén Bach Hansen |
Joachim Bingel |
Anders Søgaard |
SWAP at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Emotion detection in conversations through Tweets, CNN and LSTM deep neural networks
Marco Polignano |
Marco de Gemmis |
Giovanni Semeraro |
CLP at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Multi-Encoder in Hierarchical Attention Networks for Contextual Emotion Detection
Changjie Li |
Yun Xing |
Slang Detection and Identification
Zhengqi Pei |
Zhewei Sun |
Yang Xu |
PKUSE at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Emotion Detection with Emotion-Oriented Neural Attention Network
Luyao Ma |
Long Zhang |
Wei Ye |
Wenhui Hu |
Ranking and Selecting Multi-Hop Knowledge Paths to Better Predict Human Needs
Debjit Paul |
Anette Frank |
Knowledge-Enriched Transformer for Emotion Detection in Textual Conversations
Peixiang Zhong |
Di Wang |
Chunyan Miao |
ConSSED at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Configurable Semantic and Sentiment Emotion Detector
Rafał Poświata |
SNU IDS at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Addressing Training-Test Class Distribution Mismatch in Conversational Classification
Sanghwan Bae |
Jihun Choi |
Sang-goo Lee |
EmoSense at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Bidirectional LSTM Network for Contextual Emotion Detection in Textual Conversations
Sergey Smetanin |
MoEL: Mixture of Empathetic Listeners
Zhaojiang Lin |
Andrea Madotto |
Jamin Shin |
Peng Xu |
Pascale Fung |
MELD: A Multimodal Multi-Party Dataset for Emotion Recognition in Conversations
Soujanya Poria |
Devamanyu Hazarika |
Navonil Majumder |
Gautam Naik |
Erik Cambria |
Rada Mihalcea |
Content-based Dwell Time Engagement Prediction Model for News Articles
Heidar Davoudi |
Aijun An |
Gordon Edall |
EPITA-ADAPT at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Detecting emotions in textual conversations using deep learning models combination
Abdessalam Bouchekif |
Praveen Joshi |
Latifa Bouchekif |
Haithem Afli |
Transfer Learning Between Related Tasks Using Expected Label Proportions
Matan Ben Noach |
Yoav Goldberg |
NL-FIIT at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Emotion Detection From Conversational Triplets Using Hierarchical Encoders
Michal Farkas |
Peter Lacko |
ntuer at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Emotion Classification with Word and Sentence Representations in RCNN
Peixiang Zhong |
Chunyan Miao |
Multi-task Learning for Multi-modal Emotion Recognition and Sentiment Analysis
Md Shad Akhtar |
Dushyant Chauhan |
Deepanway Ghosal |
Soujanya Poria |
Asif Ekbal |
Pushpak Bhattacharyya |
Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Network for Twitter Emotion and Sentiment Recognition
Jumayel Islam |
Robert E. Mercer |
Lu Xiao |
Figure Eight at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Ensemble of Transfer Learning Methods for Contextual Emotion Detection
Joan Xiao |
Podlab at SemEval-2019 Task 3: The Importance of Being Shallow
Andrew Nguyen |
Tobin South |
Nigel Bean |
Jonathan Tuke |
Lewis Mitchell |
Benchmarking Zero-shot Text Classification: Datasets, Evaluation and Entailment Approach
Wenpeng Yin |
Jamaal Hay |
Dan Roth |
TokyoTech_NLP at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Emotion-related Symbols in Emotion Detection
Zhishen Yang |
Sam Vijlbrief |
Naoaki Okazaki |
Interpretable Relevant Emotion Ranking with Event-Driven Attention
Yang Yang |
Deyu ZHOU |
Yulan He |
Meng Zhang |
SymantoResearch at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Combined Neural Models for Emotion Classification in Human-Chatbot Conversations
Angelo Basile |
Marc Franco-Salvador |
Neha Pawar |
Sanja Štajner |
Mara Chinea Rios |
Yassine Benajiba |
KGPChamps at SemEval-2019 Task 3: A deep learning approach to detect emotions in the dialog utterances.
Jasabanta Patro |
Nitin Choudhary |
Kalpit Chittora |
Animesh Mukherjee |
BrainEE at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Ensembling Linear Classifiers for Emotion Prediction
Vachagan Gratian |
LIRMM-Advanse at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Attentive Conversation Modeling for Emotion Detection and Classification
Waleed Ragheb |
Jérôme Azé |
Sandra Bringay |
Maximilien Servajean |
Predicting Discourse Structure using Distant Supervision from Sentiment
Patrick Huber |
Giuseppe Carenini |
EMOMINER at SemEval-2019 Task 3: A Stacked BiLSTM Architecture for Contextual Emotion Detection in Text
Nikhil Chakravartula |
Vijayasaradhi Indurthi |
SemEval-2019 Task 3: EmoContext Contextual Emotion Detection in Text
Ankush Chatterjee |
Kedhar Nath Narahari |
Meghana Joshi |
Puneet Agrawal |
THU-HCSI at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Hierarchical Ensemble Classification of Contextual Emotion in Conversation
Xihao Liang |
Ye Ma |
Mingxing Xu |
Emotion Detection with Neural Personal Discrimination
Xiabing Zhou |
Zhongqing Wang |
Shoushan Li |
Guodong Zhou |
Min Zhang |
GenSMT at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Contextual Emotion Detection in tweets using multi task generic approach
Dumitru Bogdan |
UBC-NLP at SemEval-2019 Task 4: Hyperpartisan News Detection With Attention-Based Bi-LSTMs
Chiyu Zhang |
Arun Rajendran |
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed |
MoonGrad at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Ensemble BiRNNs for Contextual Emotion Detection in Dialogues
Chandrakant Bothe |
Stefan Wermter |
Context-aware Interactive Attention for Multi-modal Sentiment and Emotion Analysis
Dushyant Singh Chauhan |
Md Shad Akhtar |
Asif Ekbal |
Pushpak Bhattacharyya |
FriendsQA: Open-Domain Question Answering on TV Show Transcripts
Zhengzhe Yang |
Jinho D. Choi |
SINAI at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Using affective features for emotion classification in textual conversations
Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco |
M. Dolores Molina-González |
Maite Martin |
L. Alfonso Ureña-López |
Prediction of User Emotion and Dialogue Success Using Audio Spectrograms and Convolutional Neural Networks
Athanasios Lykartsis |
Margarita Kotti |
Sentence-Level Propaganda Detection in News Articles with Transfer Learning and BERT-BiLSTM-Capsule Model
George-Alexandru Vlad |
Mircea-Adrian Tanase |
Cristian Onose |
Dumitru-Clementin Cercel |
E-LSTM at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Semantic and Sentimental Features Retention for Emotion Detection in Text
Harsh Patel |
KSU at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Hybrid Features for Emotion Recognition in Textual Conversation
Nourah Alswaidan |
Mohamed El Bachir Menai |
CLaC Lab at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Contextual Emotion Detection Using a Combination of Neural Networks and SVM
Elham Mohammadi |
Hessam Amini |
Leila Kosseim |
SSN_NLP at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Contextual Emotion Identification from Textual Conversation using Seq2Seq Deep Neural Network
Senthil Kumar B. |
Thenmozhi D. |
Aravindan Chandrabose |
Srinethe Sharavanan |
YUN-HPCC at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Multi-Step Ensemble Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis in Textual Conversation
Dawei Li |
Jin Wang |
Xuejie Zhang |
Hierarchical Multi-label Classification of Text with Capsule Networks
Rami Aly |
Steffen Remus |
Chris Biemann |
IIT Gandhinagar at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Contextual Emotion Detection Using Deep Learning
Arik Pamnani |
Rajat Goel |
Jayesh Choudhari |
Mayank Singh |
Insights from Building an Open-Ended Conversational Agent
Khyatti Gupta |
Meghana Joshi |
Ankush Chatterjee |
Sonam Damani |
Kedhar Nath Narahari |
Puneet Agrawal |
Lexicon Guided Attentive Neural Network Model for Argument Mining
Jian-Fu Lin |
Kuo Yu Huang |
Hen-Hsen Huang |
Hsin-Hsi Chen |
Multi-Task, Multi-Channel, Multi-Input Learning for Mental Illness Detection using Social Media Text
Prasadith Kirinde Gamaarachchige |
Diana Inkpen |
CECL at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Using Surface Learning for Detecting Emotion in Textual Conversations
Yves Bestgen |
NELEC at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Think Twice Before Going Deep
Parag Agrawal |
Anshuman Suri |
Dreaddit: A Reddit Dataset for Stress Analysis in Social Media
Elsbeth Turcan |
Kathy McKeown |
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
Jonathan May |
Ekaterina Shutova |
Aurelie Herbelot |
Xiaodan Zhu |
Marianna Apidianaki |
Saif M. Mohammad |
ANA at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Contextual Emotion detection in Conversations through hierarchical LSTMs and BERT
Chenyang Huang |
Amine Trabelsi |
Osmar Zaïane |
GWU NLP Lab at SemEval-2019 Task 3 : EmoContext: Effectiveness ofContextual Information in Models for Emotion Detection inSentence-level at Multi-genre Corpus
Shabnam Tafreshi |
Mona Diab |
ELiRF-UPV at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Snapshot Ensemble of Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks for Contextual Emotion Detection
José-Ángel González |
Lluís-F. Hurtado |
Ferran Pla |
ICON: Interactive Conversational Memory Network for Multimodal Emotion Detection
Devamanyu Hazarika |
Soujanya Poria |
Rada Mihalcea |
Erik Cambria |
Roger Zimmermann |
Emotion Detection and Classification in a Multigenre Corpus with Joint Multi-Task Deep Learning
Shabnam Tafreshi |
Mona Diab |
An Interpretable Neural Network with Topical Information for Relevant Emotion Ranking
Yang Yang |
Deyu Zhou |
Yulan He |
DNN Multimodal Fusion Techniques for Predicting Video Sentiment
Jennifer Williams |
Ramona Comanescu |
Oana Radu |
Leimin Tian |
Understanding Emotions: A Dataset of Tweets to Study Interactions between Affect Categories
Saif Mohammad |
Svetlana Kiritchenko |
Sentence and Clause Level Emotion Annotation, Detection, and Classification in a Multi-Genre Corpus
Shabnam Tafreshi |
Mona Diab |
EmotionLines: An Emotion Corpus of Multi-Party Conversations
Chao-Chun Hsu |
Sheng-Yeh Chen |
Chuan-Chun Kuo |
Ting-Hao Huang |
Lun-Wei Ku |
Visual Choice of Plausible Alternatives: An Evaluation of Image-based Commonsense Causal Reasoning
Jinyoung Yeo |
Gyeongbok Lee |
Gengyu Wang |
Seungtaek Choi |
Hyunsouk Cho |
Reinald Kim Amplayo |
Seung-won Hwang |
EMTC: Multilabel Corpus in Movie Domain for Emotion Analysis in Conversational Text
Duc-Anh Phan |
Yuji Matsumoto |
CARER: Contextualized Affect Representations for Emotion Recognition
Elvis Saravia |
Hsien-Chi Toby Liu |
Yen-Hao Huang |
Junlin Wu |
Yi-Shin Chen |
The SSIX Corpora: Three Gold Standard Corpora for Sentiment Analysis in English, Spanish and German Financial Microblogs
Thomas Gaillat |
Manel Zarrouk |
André Freitas |
Brian Davis |
SocialNLP 2018 EmotionX Challenge Overview: Recognizing Emotions in Dialogues
Chao-Chun Hsu |
Lun-Wei Ku |
Recognizing Emotions in Video Using Multimodal DNN Feature Fusion
Jennifer Williams |
Steven Kleinegesse |
Ramona Comanescu |
Oana Radu |
Modeling Empathy and Distress in Reaction to News Stories
Sven Buechel |
Anneke Buffone |
Barry Slaff |
Lyle Ungar |
João Sedoc |
How emotional are you? Neural Architectures for Emotion Intensity Prediction in Microblogs
Devang Kulshreshtha |
Pranav Goel |
Anil Kumar Singh |
EMA at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Emotion Mining for Arabic
Gilbert Badaro |
Obeida El Jundi |
Alaa Khaddaj |
Alaa Maarouf |
Raslan Kain |
Hazem Hajj |
Wassim El-Hajj |
Relevant Emotion Ranking from Text Constrained with Emotion Relationships
Deyu Zhou |
Yang Yang |
Yulan He |
Deconfounded Lexicon Induction for Interpretable Social Science
Reid Pryzant |
Kelly Shen |
Dan Jurafsky |
Stefan Wagner |
Conversational Memory Network for Emotion Recognition in Dyadic Dialogue Videos
Devamanyu Hazarika |
Soujanya Poria |
Amir Zadeh |
Erik Cambria |
Louis-Philippe Morency |
Roger Zimmermann |
Corpus Creation and Emotion Prediction for Hindi-English Code-Mixed Social Media Text
Deepanshu Vijay |
Aditya Bohra |
Vinay Singh |
Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar |
Manish Shrivastava |
LT3 at SemEval-2018 Task 1: A classifier chain to detect emotions in tweets
Luna De Bruyne |
Orphée De Clercq |
Véronique Hoste |
Deep Learning for Dialogue Systems
Yun-Nung Chen |
Asli Celikyilmaz |
Dilek Hakkani-Tür |
NTUA-SLP at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Predicting Affective Content in Tweets with Deep Attentive RNNs and Transfer Learning
Christos Baziotis |
Athanasiou Nikolaos |
Alexandra Chronopoulou |
Athanasia Kolovou |
Georgios Paraskevopoulos |
Nikolaos Ellinas |
Shrikanth Narayanan |
Alexandros Potamianos |
Associated works : 75
Associated works : 51
Associated works : 44
Associated works : 34
Associated works : 31
Associated works : 14
Associated works : 11
Associated works : 7
Associated works : 5
Associated works : 5
Associated works : 5
Associated works : 3
Associated works : 3
Associated works : 3
Associated works : 2
Associated works : 2
Associated works : 2
Associated works : 2
Associated works : 2
Associated works : 2
Associated works : 2
Associated works : 1
Associated works : 1
Associated works : 1
Associated works : 1
Associated works : 1
Associated works : 1
Associated works : 1
Associated works : 1