Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
WOAH - 2022
Total Papers:- 25
Total Papers accross all years:- 75
Total Citations :- 0
GreaseVision: Rewriting the Rules of the Interface
Siddhartha Datta |
Konrad Kollnig |
Nigel Shadbolt |
Users Hate Blondes: Detecting Sexism in User Comments on Online Romanian News
Andreea Moldovan |
Karla Csürös |
Ana-maria Bucur |
Loredana Bercuci |
Free speech or Free Hate Speech? Analyzing the Proliferation of Hate Speech in Parler
Abraham Israeli |
Oren Tsur |
“Zo Grof !”: A Comprehensive Corpus for Offensive and Abusive Language in Dutch
Ward Ruitenbeek |
Victor Zwart |
Robin Van Der Noord |
Zhenja Gnezdilov |
Tommaso Caselli |
Hate Speech Criteria: A Modular Approach to Task-Specific Hate Speech Definitions
Urja Khurana |
Ivar Vermeulen |
Eric Nalisnick |
Marloes Van Noorloos |
Antske Fokkens |
Improving Generalization of Hate Speech Detection Systems to Novel Target Groups via Domain Adaptation
Florian Ludwig |
Klara Dolos |
Torsten Zesch |
Eleanor Hobley |
Lost in Distillation: A Case Study in Toxicity Modeling
Alyssa Chvasta |
Alyssa Lees |
Jeffrey Sorensen |
Lucy Vasserman |
Nitesh Goyal |
Multilingual HateCheck: Functional Tests for Multilingual Hate Speech Detection Models
Paul Röttger |
Haitham Seelawi |
Debora Nozza |
Zeerak Talat |
Bertie Vidgen |
The subtle language of exclusion: Identifying the Toxic Speech of Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminists
Christina Lu |
David Jurgens |
Towards a Multi-Entity Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis for Characterizing Directed Social Regard in Online Messaging
Joan Zheng |
Scott Friedman |
Sonja Schmer-galunder |
Ian Magnusson |
Ruta Wheelock |
Jeremy Gottlieb |
Diana Gomez |
Christopher Miller |
Separating Hate Speech and Offensive Language Classes via Adversarial Debiasing
Shuzhou Yuan |
Antonis Maronikolakis |
Hinrich Schütze |
A Comprehensive Dataset for German Offensive Language and Conversation Analysis
Christoph Demus |
Jonas Pitz |
Mina Schütz |
Nadine Probol |
Melanie Siegel |
Dirk Labudde |
Targeted Identity Group Prediction in Hate Speech Corpora
Pratik Sachdeva |
Renata Barreto |
Claudia Von Vacano |
Chris Kennedy |
Enriching Abusive Language Detection with Community Context
Haji Mohammad Saleem |
Jana Kurrek |
Derek Ruths |
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH)
Kanika Narang |
Aida Mostafazadeh Davani |
Lambert Mathias |
Bertie Vidgen |
Zeerak Talat |
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