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UncertaiNLP - 2024
Total Papers:- 14
Total Papers accross all years:- 14
Total Citations :- 0
Linguistically Communicating Uncertainty in Patient-Facing Risk Prediction Models
Adarsa Sivaprasad |
Ehud Reiter |
Calibration-Tuning: Teaching Large Language Models to Know What They Don’t Know
Sanyam Kapoor |
Nate Gruver |
Manley Roberts |
Arka Pal |
Samuel Dooley |
Micah Goldblum |
Andrew Wilson |
Aligning Uncertainty: Leveraging LLMs to Analyze Uncertainty Transfer in Text Summarization
Zahra Kolagar |
Alessandra Zarcone |
Combining Confidence Elicitation and Sample-based Methods for Uncertainty Quantification in Misinformation Mitigation
Mauricio Rivera |
Jean-François Godbout |
Reihaneh Rabbany |
Kellin Pelrine |
Uncertainty Resolution in Misinformation Detection
Yury Orlovskiy |
Camille Thibault |
Anne Imouza |
Jean-François Godbout |
Reihaneh Rabbany |
Kellin Pelrine |
The Effect of Generalisation on the Inadequacy of the Mode
Bryan Eikema |
Efficiently Acquiring Human Feedback with Bayesian Deep Learning
Haishuo Fang |
Jeet Gor |
Edwin Simpson |
Don’t Blame the Data, Blame the Model: Understanding Noise and Bias When Learning from Subjective Annotations
Abhishek Anand |
Negar Mokhberian |
Prathyusha Kumar |
Anweasha Saha |
Zihao He |
Ashwin Rao |
Fred Morstatter |
Kristina Lerman |
Optimizing Relation Extraction in Medical Texts through Active Learning: A Comparative Analysis of Trade-offs
Siting Liang |
Pablo Valdunciel Sánchez |
Daniel Sonntag |
Order Effects in Annotation Tasks: Further Evidence of Annotation Sensitivity
Jacob Beck |
Stephanie Eckman |
Bolei Ma |
Rob Chew |
Frauke Kreuter |
Context Tuning for Retrieval Augmented Generation
Raviteja Anantha |
Danil Vodianik |
Linguistic Obfuscation Attacks and Large Language Model Uncertainty
Sebastian Steindl |
Ulrich Schäfer |
Bernd Ludwig |
Patrick Levi |
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Uncertainty-Aware NLP (UncertaiNLP 2024)
Raúl Vázquez |
Hande Celikkanat |
Dennis Ulmer |
Jörg Tiedemann |
Swabha Swayamdipta |
Wilker Aziz |
Barbara Plank |
Joris Baan |
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe |
How Does Beam Search improve Span-Level Confidence Estimation in Generative Sequence Labeling?
Kazuma Hashimoto |
Iftekhar Naim |
Karthik Raman |
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