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SMM4H - 2021
Total Papers:- 34
Total Papers accross all years:- 163
Total Citations :- 0
Statistically Evaluating Social Media Sentiment Trends towards COVID-19 Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions with Event Studies
Jingcheng Niu |
Erin Rees |
Victoria Ng |
Gerald Penn |
NLP@NISER: Classification of COVID19 tweets containing symptoms
Deepak Kumar |
Nalin Kumar |
Subhankar Mishra |
Identifying professions & occupations in Health-related Social Media using Natural Language Processing
Alberto Mesa Murgado |
Ana Parras Portillo |
Pilar López Úbeda |
Maite Martin |
Alfonso Ureña-López |
Pre-trained Transformer-based Classification and Span Detection Models for Social Media Health Applications
Yuting Guo |
Yao Ge |
Mohammed Ali Al-Garadi |
Abeed Sarker |
Identification of profession & occupation in Health-related Social Media using tweets in Spanish
Victoria Pachón |
Jacinto Mata Vázquez |
Juan Luís Domínguez Olmedo |
Fine-tuning BERT to classify COVID19 tweets containing symptoms
Rajarshi Roychoudhury |
Sudip Naskar |
KFU NLP Team at SMM4H 2021 Tasks: Cross-lingual and Cross-modal BERT-based Models for Adverse Drug Effects
Andrey Sakhovskiy |
Zulfat Miftahutdinov |
Elena Tutubalina |
Overview of the Sixth Social Media Mining for Health Applications (#SMM4H) Shared Tasks at NAACL 2021
Arjun Magge |
Ari Klein |
Antonio Miranda-Escalada |
Mohammed Ali Al-Garadi |
Ilseyar Alimova |
Zulfat Miftahutdinov |
Eulalia Farre |
Salvador Lima López |
Ivan Flores |
Karen O’Connor |
Davy Weissenbacher |
Elena Tutubalina |
Abeed Sarker |
Juan Banda |
Martin Krallinger |
Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez |
Word Embeddings, Cosine Similarity and Deep Learning for Identification of Professions & Occupations in Health-related Social Media
Sergio Santamaría Carrasco |
Roberto Cuervo Rosillo |
Proceedings of the Sixth Social Media Mining for Health (#SMM4H) Workshop and Shared Task
Arjun Magge |
Ari Klein |
Antonio Miranda-Escalada |
Mohammed Ali Al-garadi |
Ilseyar Alimova |
Zulfat Miftahutdinov |
Eulalia Farre-Maduell |
Salvador Lima Lopez |
Ivan Flores |
Karen O'Connor |
Davy Weissenbacher |
Elena Tutubalina |
Abeed Sarker |
Juan M Banda |
Martin Krallinger |
Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez |
Classification, Extraction, and Normalization : CASIA_Unisound Team at the Social Media Mining for Health 2021 Shared Tasks
Tong Zhou |
Zhucong Li |
Zhen Gan |
Baoli Zhang |
Yubo Chen |
Kun Niu |
Jing Wan |
Kang Liu |
Jun Zhao |
Yafei Shi |
Weifeng Chong |
Shengping Liu |
BERT based Transformers lead the way in Extraction of Health Information from Social Media
Sidharth Ramesh |
Abhiraj Tiwari |
Parthivi Choubey |
Saisha Kashyap |
Sahil Khose |
Kumud Lakara |
Nishesh Singh |
Ujjwal Verma |
Neural Text Classification and Stacked Heterogeneous Embeddings for Named Entity Recognition in SMM4H 2021
Usama Yaseen |
Stefan Langer |
System description for ProfNER - SMMH: Optimized finetuning of a pretrained transformer and word vectors
David Carreto Fidalgo |
Daniel Vila-Suero |
Francisco Aranda Montes |
Ignacio Talavera Cepeda |
Classification of Tweets Self-reporting Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes and Potential COVID-19 Cases Using RoBERTa Transformers
Lung-Hao Lee |
Man-Chen Hung |
Chien-Huan Lu |
Chang-Hao Chen |
Po-Lei Lee |
Kuo-Kai Shyu |
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