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LT4HALA - 2022
Total Papers:- 32
Total Papers accross all years:- 88
Total Citations :- 0
The First International Ancient Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging Bakeoff: Overview of the EvaHan 2022 Evaluation Campaign
Bin Li |
Yiguo Yuan |
Jingya Lu |
Minxuan Feng |
Chao Xu |
Weiguang Qu |
Dongbo Wang |
Construction of Segmentation and Part of Speech Annotation Model in Ancient Chinese
Longjie Jiang |
Qinyu C. Chang |
Huyin H. Xie |
Zhuying Z. Xia |
BERT 4EVER@EvaHan 2022: Ancient Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging Based on Adversarial Learning and Continual Pre-training
Hailin Zhang |
Ziyu Yang |
Yingwen Fu |
Ruoyao Ding |
Handling Stress in Finite-State Morphological Analyzers for Ancient Greek and Ancient Hebrew
Daniel Swanson |
Francis Tyers |
Identifying Cleartext in Historical Ciphers
Maria-Elena Gambardella |
Beata Megyesi |
Eva Pettersson |
From Inscription to Semi-automatic Annotation of Maya Hieroglyphic Texts
Cristina Vertan |
Christian Prager |
Ancient Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging Using Data Augmentation
Yanzhi Tian |
Yuhang Guo |
Automatic Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging of Ancient Chinese Based on BERT Model
Yu Chang |
Peng Zhu |
Chaoping Wang |
Chaofan Wang |
Machine Translation of 16Th Century Letters from Latin to German
Lukas Fischer |
Patricia Scheurer |
Raphael Schwitter |
Martin Volk |
BERToldo, the Historical BERT for Italian
Alessio Palmero Aprosio |
Stefano Menini |
Sara Tonelli |
Accurate Dependency Parsing and Tagging of Latin
Sebastian Nehrdich |
Oliver Hellwig |
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages
Rachele Sprugnoli |
Marco Passarotti |
Glyph Features Matter: A Multimodal Solution for EvaHan in LT4HALA2022
Wei Xinyuan |
Liu Weihao |
Qing Zong |
Zhang Shaoqing |
Baotian Hu |
From Inscriptions to Lexica and Back: A Platform for Editing and Linking the Languages of Ancient Italy
Valeria Quochi |
Andrea Bellandi |
Fahad Khan |
Michele Mallia |
Francesca Murano |
Silvia Piccini |
Luca Rigobianco |
Alessandro Tommasi |
Cesare Zavattari |
Towards the Creation of a Diachronic Corpus for Italian: A Case Study on the GDLI Quotations
Manuel Favaro |
Elisa Guadagnini |
Eva Sassolini |
Marco Biffi |
Simonetta Montemagni |
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