Authors Timeline
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ACL N-gram Stats
IWSLT - 2014
Total Papers:- 42
Total Papers accross all years:- 721
Total Citations :- 0
The MITLL-AFRL IWSLT 2014 MT system
Michael Kazi |
Elizabeth Salesky |
Brian Thompson |
Jessica Ray |
Michael Coury |
Tim Anderson |
Grant Erdmann |
Jeremy Gwinnup |
Katherine Young |
Brian Ore |
Michael Hutt |
Translations of the Callhome Egyptian Arabic corpus for conversational speech translation
Gaurav Kumar |
Yuan Cao |
Ryan Cotterell |
Chris Callison-Burch |
Daniel Povey |
Sanjeev Khudanpur |
Lexical translation model using a deep neural network architecture
Thanh-Le Ha |
Jan Niehues |
Alex Waibel |
The NAIST-NTT TED talk treebank
Graham Neubig |
Katsuhiro Sudoh |
Yusuke Oda |
Kevin Duh |
Hajime Tsukuda |
Masaaki Nagata |
The RWTH Aachen machine translation systems for IWSLT 2014
Joern Wuebker |
Stephan Peitz |
Andreas Guta |
Hermann Ney |
FBK @ IWSLT 2014 – ASR track
B. BabaAli |
R. Serizel |
S. Jalalvand |
R. Gretter |
D. Giuliani |
Incremental development of statistical machine translation systems
Li Gong |
Aurélien Max |
François Yvon |
Empircal dependency-based head finalization for statistical Chinese-, English-, and French-to-Myanmar (Burmese) machine translation
Chenchen Ding |
Ye Kyaw Thu |
Masao Utiyama |
Andrew Finch |
Eiichiro Sumita |
The USFD SLT system for IWSLT 2014
Raymond W. M. Ng |
Mortaza Doulaty |
Rama Doddipatla |
Wilker Aziz |
Kashif Shah |
Oscar Saz |
Madina Hasan |
Ghada AlHaribi |
Lucia Specia |
Thomas Hain |
The NCT ASR system for IWSLT 2014
Peng Shen |
Yugang Lu |
Xinhui Hu |
Naoyuki Kanda |
Masahiro Saiko |
Chiori Hori |
Multilingual deep bottle neck features: a study on language selection and training techniques
Markus Müller |
Sebastian Stüker |
Zaid Sheikh |
Florian Metze |
Alex Waibel |
Towards simultaneous interpreting: the timing of incremental machine translation and speech synthesis
Timo Baumann |
Srinivas Bangalore |
Julia Hirschberg |
Better punctuation prediction with hierarchical phrase-based translation
Stephan Peitz |
Markus Freitag |
Hermann Ney |
LIUM English-to-French spoken language translation system and the Vecsys/LIUM automatic speech recognition system for Italian language for IWSLT 2014
Anthony Rousseau |
Loïc Barrault |
Paul Deléglise |
Yannick Estève |
Holger Schwenk |
Samir Bennacef |
Armando Muscariello |
Stephan Vanni |
Report on the 11th IWSLT evaluation campaign
Mauro Cettolo |
Jan Niehues |
Sebastian Stüker |
Luisa Bentivogli |
Marcello Federico |
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