Authors Timeline
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ACL N-gram Stats
GeBNLP - 2024
Total Papers:- 27
Total Papers accross all years:- 82
Total Citations :- 0
An Empirical Study of Gendered Stereotypes in Emotional Attributes for Bangla in Multilingual Large Language Models
Jayanta Sadhu |
Maneesha Saha |
Rifat Shahriyar |
A Fairness Analysis of Human and AI-Generated Student Reflection Summaries
Bhiman Baghel |
Arun Balajiee Lekshmi Narayanan |
Michael Yoder |
Gender Bias in Turkish Word Embeddings: A Comprehensive Study of Syntax, Semantics and Morphology Across Domains
Duygu Altinok |
The power of Prompts: Evaluating and Mitigating Gender Bias in MT with LLMs
Aleix Sant |
Carlos Escolano |
Audrey Mash |
Francesca De Luca Fornaciari |
Maite Melero |
Evaluating Gender Bias in Multilingual Multimodal AI Models: Insights from an Indian Context
Kshitish Ghate |
Arjun Choudhry |
Vanya Bannihatti Kumar |
Do PLMs and Annotators Share the Same Gender Bias? Definition, Dataset, and Framework of Contextualized Gender Bias
Shucheng Zhu |
Bingjie Du |
Jishun Zhao |
Ying Liu |
Pengyuan Liu |
Stop! In the Name of Flaws: Disentangling Personal Names and Sociodemographic Attributes in NLP
Vagrant Gautam |
Arjun Subramonian |
Anne Lauscher |
Os Keyes |
What Can Go Wrong in Authorship Profiling: Cross-Domain Analysis of Gender and Age Prediction
Hongyu Chen |
Michael Roth |
Agnieszka Falenska |
Detecting Gender Discrimination on Actor Level Using Linguistic Discourse Analysis
Stefanie Urchs |
Veronika Thurner |
Matthias Aßenmacher |
Christian Heumann |
Stephanie Thiemichen |
An Explainable Approach to Understanding Gender Stereotype Text
Manuela Jeyaraj |
Sarah Delany |
We Don’t Talk About That: Case Studies on Intersectional Analysis of Social Bias in Large Language Models
Hannah Devinney |
Jenny Björklund |
Henrik Björklund |
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing (GeBNLP)
Agnieszka Faleńska |
Christine Basta |
Marta Costa-jussà |
Seraphina Goldfarb-Tarrant |
Debora Nozza |
On Shortcuts and Biases: How Finetuned Language Models Distinguish Audience-Specific Instructions in Italian and English
Nicola Fanton |
Michael Roth |
From ‘Showgirls’ to ‘Performers’: Fine-tuning with Gender-inclusive Language for Bias Reduction in LLMs
Marion Bartl |
Susan Leavy |
Is there Gender Bias in Dependency Parsing? Revisiting “Women’s Syntactic Resilience”
Paul Go |
Agnieszka Falenska |
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