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FinNLP - 2020
Total Papers:- 18
Total Papers accross all years:- 134
Total Citations :- 0
IITK at the FinSim Task: Hypernym Detection in Financial Domain via Context-Free and Contextualized Word Embeddings
Vishal Keswani |
Sakshi Singh |
Ashutosh Modi |
The FinSim 2020 Shared Task: Learning Semantic Representations for the Financial Domain
Ismail El Maarouf |
Youness Mansar |
Virginie Mouilleron |
Dialekti Valsamou-Stanislawski |
Learning Company Embeddings from Annual Reports for Fine-grained Industry Characterization
Tomoki Ito |
Jose Camacho Collados |
Hiroki Sakaji |
Steven Schockaert |
A Semantic Approach to Financial Fundamentals
Jiafeng Chen |
Suproteem Sarkar |
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing
Chung-Chi Chen |
Hen-Hsen Huang |
Hiroya Takamura |
Hsin-Hsi Chen |
Anuj at the FinSim Task: Anuj@FINSIM¡VLearning Semantic Representation of Financial Domain with Investopedia
Anuj Saini |
Daniel at the FinSBD-2 Task: Extracting List and Sentence Boundaries from PDF Documents, a model-driven approach to PDF document analysis
Emmanuel Giguet |
Gaël Lejeune |
aiai at the FinSBD-2 Task: Sentence, list and Item Boundary Detection and Items classification of Financial Texts Using Data Augmentation and Attention
Ke Tian |
Hua Chen |
Jie Yang |
FinSBD-2020: The 2nd Shared Task on Sentence Boundary Detection in Unstructured Text in the Financial Domain
Willy Au |
Bianca Chong |
Abderrahim Ait Azzi |
Dialekti Valsamou-Stanislawski | at the FinSBD-2 task: Document Structure Identification by Paying Attention
Abhishek Arora |
Aman Khullar |
Sarath Chandra Pakala |
Vishnu Ramesh |
Manish Shrivastava |
ProsperAMnet at the FinSim Task: Detecting hypernyms of financial concepts via measuring the information stored in sparse word representations
Gábor Berend |
Norbert Kis-Szabó |
Zsolt Szántó |
Financial News Annotation by Weakly-Supervised Hierarchical Multi-label Learning
Hang Jiang |
Zhongchen Miao |
Yuefeng Lin |
Chenyu Wang |
Mengjun Ni |
Jian Gao |
Jidong Lu |
Guangwei Shi |
FINSIM20 at the FinSim Task: Making Sense of Text in Financial Domain
Vivek Anand |
Yash Agrawal |
Aarti Pol |
Vasudeva Varma |
PublishInCovid19 at the FinSBD-2 Task: Sentence and List Extraction in Noisy PDF Text Using a Hybrid Deep Learning and Rule-Based Approach
Janvijay Singh |
Detecting Omissions of Risk Factors in Company Annual Reports
Corentin Masson |
Syrielle Montariol |
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